Saturday, April 24, 2010

I dont really know how to describe my mood, anxious ,doubtful etc u can say its all the negative thoughts. While i write have thousand thoughts in my mind, the opposite sign of + has made a cloud in my head, and the events happening around me are increasing it. Its been days since i have had days, i am acting stupid but i have to do it calm me down. Sometimes its better to satisfy your curiosity than to let it ruin your brain especially when you have exams a week later.
To be true my mind and heart are taking me to different things, in such situations what should i do seems very unclear. Me being a follower of "The Secret" should not be writing this, but seriously have no option. God if you there if you really exist please grant this wish to me, worked hard for it have always sincere towards it please want to be on the winning side this time ............ :)
Restless, sleepless all these words are just a percent which describes my feelings. Sometimes i wish we had some kind of machine by which we could look at our future so to curb this anxiety. If there would have been any other person in my condition trust me, he would have never carried so far, i took the courage and made the bold move. It a word which takes you the past,It was so fine till December so perfect ,then it happened...My immaturity led me to those events because of which these feelings have come. Though the "fight" was resolved but things are not the same.
Now as one more holidays come, GOD please give me the summer of 2008 back, really love her, have always done it conditionally. I know there others who like her ,but really thats not my concern. Heaven bestow this miracle on me .... I need it. Wont mention her name here..
Girl i love you,more than u can imagine will keep you happy...Come back to me like the same way...
GOD please make this wish come true please please............................................................................